Worry about weight
Hello mummies, im at my 17 weeks preg now and realize i havent gain any weight yet. Should i be worry? :(

You will gain more later time, Most important is baby got gain and check with gynae whether baby weight is okay. I lose 6kg instead of gaining as i have nausea and vomitting but gynae tell me baby weight okay and acceptable
Had the same experience in my first pregnancy. In the end, baby was perfectly normal sized, and I gained weight after 20 weeks:)
No need to worry. Every pregnancy is different. As long as baby is growing, your weight doesn't matter.
It's normal(: Your gynaecologist will be able to advise you further during your next consultation.
Don't worry. I didnt gain weight till 20 weeks and thru out pregnancy i gain 22kg.
Listen to your gynae, as Long as little one gain weight is ok.
You'll gain more soon
Household goddess of 3 rambunctious prince