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Household goddess of 3 rambunctious prince
First solid for baby
Can mummies share when you guys officially start solid for baby? My baby is coming 7mths, I only let her try baby biscuit and on and off cereal. Just very minimum portion. Yet to try other food.
6 months old coughing and flu
Hello! Any mummies here have remedy for 6 months old baby coughing? Despite already see doctor, given augmentin antibiotics and cough and flu syrup and but still never better :( Been flu for a week+
Teething at 4 months
Any of your babies here start teething at 4 months? And while dealing with teething is it more milk demand? *Mine is a formula milk baby.
Difficulty walking at week 29
Mummies, Any of you start to have difficulty walking at week 29? Like can feel belly often tighening and baby is like at low position.
Albumin in pregnancy
Hi mummies, Any of you had albumin during pregnancy before? Having more protein in urine.
Any food that boost baby fat during pregnancy
diarrhea at 20 weeks
Hi mummies, i have been having diahhrea since morning till now its about 5 times and its those really loose and watery kind. Now stomach still feeling quite churning. Should i be worry?
20 weeks and getting more tired
Hi mummies, at my 20 weeks now and i feel so tired and restless to do anything. Its like i just feel like sleeping or lying on bed whole day. Any mummies have same feel as me...
Is it safe to send baby back to infant care on 10 June?
Hi mummies, do u all think its safe to send baby back to infant care next week?
Gender of baby
Care to share how to tell if is a boy or girl? ?