infant care or helper

Hi mummies, if you have a choice which one would u choose for your infant? Infant care or helper?

26 Replies
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Unless you have had build trust with the helper. A new one is a No Go. Rather place it in an infant care where there are more than 1 pair of eyes.

Infant Care! They are trained, multiple people around and your baby gets to interact with other babies. My little boy loves it.

VIP Member

Oh man tough question. Helping can do a lot but tbh I don’t trust a helper as much as Infant care

Super Mum

Helper but also someone to keep an eye on the helper. #trustissues 😂

VIP Member

infant care, I cannot have anybody messing with my kitchen/house

Super Mum

For the situation now (the coronavirus) , I would choose helper.

Infant care unless parents can help keep an eye on helper

Infant care is better. Baby can learn thing faster.

VIP Member

I prefer both. But if have to choose, infant care


if lo grandparents not possible, infant care