Infant care
Hi mummies!! I’m torn between choosing an infant care or a helper!! Infant care is definitely very very expensive because now my baby is a foreigner, working on her citizenship which will take time and baby will fall sick easily? If sick then increase in medical bill, applying leave etc. And helper I’m scared cause I’ve heard so many incompetent ones and have to install cctv at home. Anyone who have experience can share? Thanks!!

Infant care CON: Its expensive for your case. When your bb get sick can't attend school ended you need apply leave to look after. Infant care PRO: BB immune system will be stronger sooner Helper CON: You be stressing even when working, even you get cctv but you be busy watching cctv while working too. Job affected. Helper PRO: After a tired day at work back home you just spend quality time with your bb. Housework be done by helper To pay for either helper or infant care. Why not give up your full time job? Find a work from home job or a flexible working hours, start your own business and look after your bb yourself. At least you will not missed the milestone of growing. You can let me know if you wish to start your own biz working from home i can guide you.
Read moreI was in the same situation. I ended up choosing helper. It has eased up tremendously my load of household chores and allows me to spend quality time with my bb when I come back from work. It also allowed me to have more “me” and “us” time. Of course when choosing helper, gotta be more stringent, and if u have extra pairs of eyes to look out for them(like putting them at parents place while u’re at work), it gives u a peace of mind. Get a helper while u’re on maternity leave to train her up and come up with a routine that she follows Everyday. :) I made my helper write down the timings of what time she feeds, shower and nap times of my bb. :)
Read moreIf you have your parents at home with the helper to take care of your bb then can go for helper. Else better to send to infant care. I won't feel comfortable to leave my bb alone with helper at home although install cctv. In infant care, your bb is less likely to get sick compare to baby that already start crawling and wander around touching here and there and interacting with other kids as these actions are more prone to contact with bacteria and virus.
Read moreI'm also confused now between ifc or helper especially after hearing so many stories about helper secretly abusing baby or not showing tlc. But to be honest, ifc works to same and even worst by opening to more risks like HFMD Meantime as I'm still considering between this 2, I will tank staying home taking care of my LO even though I'm not a stay-home type of person and work used to be my everything.
Read moreIt’s really a difficult decision. Costs aside, I chose infant care in the end due to the accountability and that the teachers can engage the baby better than a helper, not to mention social interactions with other babies.
At this point in time, helper might be a better choice as she’s one-on-one and at less risk of carrying the virus compared to going to ifc and interacting with loads of other kids.
i got a helper and i install camera. it really depends on luck and during hiring process it counts on ur intuition and gut feeling.
I sent my baby to infant care. Best decision ever. I think that going to school helps with their brain development a lot more.
I would prefer ifc than helper... At least i don't have to worry about maid attitude problem.
Helper. But I do agree that getting a good helper depends on some luck.
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