Wondering if it’s normal
Hi mummies, I am at week 5 and my morning sickness is getting worst. I don’t actually vomit but just gag reflex, I feel so weak and useless. I’m a first timer mommy to be and I keep telling my husband ‘I can’t do it' because the morning sickness and nausea is bad enough. I don’t know what else to do anymore. I feel so useless and weak. I have no appetite and i can’t drink plain water. Cause I can’t handle it.

Babe, you can do it!! Try out different food bit by bit to control the nausea. For me, mandarin oranges. The first few weeks are of pregnancy, I was in your shoes. I couldn’t eat anything. I feel so weak and tired. The gag reflexes was so damn tiring. My mum tried to give me those preserved fruits but didn’t work for me. So I tried mandarin oranges. Those small little ones. It helped me so much! I can eat like 5-6 of them in one sitting. I think that’s why my babygirl face also looks like an orange now, very round 😂 she’s 3months old now. I suggested my friend to try mandarin oranges also cause she couldn’t eat much and keep having morning sickness in her first trimester. Surprisingly, it helped her too! Maybe you can try! Trust in yourself that you can do it. All these sacrifices is for your little one. Focus on the bright side. At the end of it, you will get to meet your little one’ smile soon enough 💕💕
Read morevery normal. hang in there. 2nd trimester will be better. i had a hard time during my 1st trimester. was an emotional wreck, i cry at the slightest thing, horrible food aversion, morning sickness, heartburn, hated all kinds of smell, hated my favourite foods, felt somehow alone and empty, i can only stomach plain dry crackers and icy cold water and had contipation plus haermorroids. i lost 6 kg. told my husband and mom, i cannot handle this and always wonder why everyone else have a pleasant pregnancy and not me. i realised that many people do not really talk about how HARD 1st trimester is i thought i had pregnancy depression. reality is it does happen to most of us and totally normal. it will get better. when i reached 14 weeks, it was a breeze. i am currently 35weeks and still feel good as ever. gained back my pre pregnancy weight and a lil bit more. lol. so jia yo!
Read moreHang in there! I lost 4kg I know how u feel Can’t take plain water, meat, vege, fruits, milk, soy bean. brush teeth also vomit I even change my toothpaste and buy muji toothbrush because it’s smaller size Got some tips for u Take Dicletin (antivomit medication prescribed by your Gynae) Small frequent meal, almost 3hrly feeding but not full meal, maybe one slice of crack with 80mls of milo, then another meal. My wanton noodle can separate two to three times. I can only drink ice water add in lemon, orange juice, green apple juice, milo with one/two slice of cracker, coke with sugar, 100 Plus, gassy drink! Eventhough it’s unhealthy but at least there’s something there. Usually I don’t take those unhealthy food. I only feel slightly better in week 14. Completely better after week 16. U can do it
Read moreI started having morning sickness since week 6, then it got more intense by week 8-10, puking an average of 6 times a day. I felt weak and no appetite. The good news is it started to taper down towards week 12. So hang in there. You may ask your doc for anti nausea pill if you want. My doc prescribed me Pulin. It was (too) effective. It stopped all my nausea until I was so scared if my bb was still there. 😅
Read moreyou definitely can do it! just need to hang on... honestly I have a phobia of vomiting and I always feel very awfully scared whenever I experience nausea.. vomiting always end with me getting all teary eye.. but I made it thru the first trimester.. it will get better at least from the mid 2nd trimester onwards! jiayou!
Read moreSame.. I told my hubby that I can’t do it too. But I can! Pulled through. You can do it. Eat what you can. Don’t force if you can’t. I didn’t even drink 500mls of water a day in the first trimester. Vomitted out water also. Take sips of water whenever you can
same as me. i tried eating everything but vomited all out. can only drink coke and gassy drink even though its not really good. sometimes i crave for porridge or instant noodles. the only food i can eat.
Your gynae can prescribe some anti nausea pregnancy safe pills so that you can be more comfy and also be able to eat. Try small meals more often in the day. And small sips of water. Take care
you can do it.. many mummies have been through it and so can you. make small changes to your diet and water. drink sparkling water, fruit infused water or cold infused non-caffeinated tea.
Puree porridge for baby
Baking my baby bean