very normal. hang in there. 2nd trimester will be better. i had a hard time during my 1st trimester. was an emotional wreck, i cry at the slightest thing, horrible food aversion, morning sickness, heartburn, hated all kinds of smell, hated my favourite foods, felt somehow alone and empty, i can only stomach plain dry crackers and icy cold water and had contipation plus haermorroids. i lost 6 kg. told my husband and mom, i cannot handle this and always wonder why everyone else have a pleasant pregnancy and not me. i realised that many people do not really talk about how HARD 1st trimester is i thought i had pregnancy depression. reality is it does happen to most of us and totally normal. it will get better. when i reached 14 weeks, it was a breeze. i am currently 35weeks and still feel good as ever. gained back my pre pregnancy weight and a lil bit more. lol. so jia yo!
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