Worry or no?
Hi mummies. I recently notice my LO has a cut on his lip. Its there for about a week now and it doesn't seem to heal. My LO will always turn his head away or sometimes cry when i try to touch it. Is there anything i could apply on his lips to heal the wound or just leave it??

Since has been a week without sign of improvement and he cried when you touched it, I think maybe better to consult paediatrician for medication.
I suggest you bring to PD. sometimes it might seem nothing but PD can prescribe a good medication so it will heal in 1-2 days! 😊
I think just leave it for now. Unless your LO feels uncomfortable when drinking milk etc
You can apply some breast milk on it. It will help heal faster.
It’s already been a week Consult ur pd
Apply baby moisturiser it wil heal
Leave it. Let it self heal.
leave it
Leave it