Thomson Hospital
Hi mummies, do I need to bring my own breast pump or will Thomson lend one after the labour?

I brought my own and the LC guided me how to use and let me know it was the wrong shield size for me! I didn’t use so much in the hospital because my nipples were way to sensitive to be using double electric pump. I did have to pump at first but used a manual pump. If you’re planning to breast feed consider packing a cup made for feeding newborn. We used that at first while figuring out the latch so baby doesn’t get nipple confusion. The nurses showed us how to use the cup, intimidating at first but actually super easy to use.
Read moreI brought mine along coz I wanted to ask them to teach me how to use hahaha. The lactation consultant taught me how and made recommendations for the right nipple shield size for me too! Alternatively you can also borrow from them (:
Bring urs. But thomson got give 1 set of gift for breastfeeding mum.. It includes breast pump.. But manual one (hegen)
Hospital will encourage latch on for baby. If you still go for pumping, u will need to bring along your own one.
Bring own pump better. If u dk how to use, ask the nurse n they can guide u along. TMC usually recommend bf.
Read moreYes please bring your own breast pump! It'd be useful to stimulate milk production in the first few days :)
bring your own, tmc doesn't rent out breast pump
Need to bring your own.
need bring ur own