Baby Kicks
Hi mummies, I am 18weeks along with my 'rainbow' baby after a miscarriage last year. I would like to know when will I be able to feel my baby kicking?

Hi... You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. ... By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.
I felt very light fluttering movements and quickening when I was about 16 weeks but it became more pronounced by 18 weeks onwards. It’s such a beautiful feeling! Enjoy!!
Congratulations. I felt baby movements after 18weeks. She is usually more active when I comsume something sweet/after meals & when I rest flat on the bed.
Around 20-22 weeks..but depends on your placenta location..i am having anterior so i feel very light movement, i am 26 weeks now
You will be able to feel your baby movements very soon. It’s like occasional mild tapping motion in your tummy.
Exact dates vary but i felt it around 20 wks. Have heard of others feeling movements before that.
Usually between 16 and 25 weeks:) congrats dear! May you feel the kicks really soon ❤️
The sonographer told me at 20 weeks we should be able to feel☺️
For first time moms, usually in week 20+onwards
About 22 weeks for me