Hi mummies I am 13 weeks pregnant and bored out of my mind at home with no job and nothing to do. I am always laying in bed or surfing the net. Any recommendations of what I can do to pass time?

You can learn cooking and let your husband eat. Survey the cheapest diapers. Wipes. Do excel sheet to do calculation cost of pregnancy to baby expenditure. DIY some baby stuff.
Read moreTry picking up some new hobbies? Knitting, crochet, arts and crafts, you can even make some cute clothes or toy to prepare for baby 😙
Why don't you partake in classes that might interest you or if you don't wish to spend money, you can always go for nature walks.
Wah so good ah hahahah.. go find urself some hobby go do something that u like.. bt dun tire urself too much!
Can try to do some research on your baby stuff. Or even meet up with preggy mum
Make use of your skillsfuture credits and learn something new
Bake a cake, cookies or read a book(:
go out w friends!
i watch tv 😄