Hi mummies, how do ur educate or control ur kids when staying with own parents or in laws? Im staying with own parents and they overwrite every single thing i say. I alrd quarrel and stay firm in my stand, ended up also lost. I really very fed up with my parents. Even my child knows that whatever i said is as good as "air"

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I'm a single mum and I live with my own parents. All I can say is that it'll be a constant struggle, but you have to stand your ground! My parents belong in the generation where formula was known to be better than breast milk, that "traditional remedies" are better for any age, sparing the rod will spoil the child etc. So they prefer to use shouting, scolding, insults, negative remarks and beating to get their point across. Me, on the other hand, prefer the gentle/peaceful parenting method of trying to understand his needs, his frustrations, why he's behaving the way he is, solving things calmly. We get into conflict when something happens because my parents would beat my son and I'd try to protect him and get him to calm down because he is easily shaken and really scared of it happening. There's also things like giving formula, "traditional remedy" and the smallest of parenting differences that I couldn't stand - so I used to hide formula when I had sufficient breast milk stored (was an exclusively pumping mum and my parents looked after my son when I was in school, they prefer formula because it's easier to make and they think it's better so breast milk goes to waste). We would also have conflicts over them trying to make decisions for my son, completing ignoring the fact that I'm his mother so I would stand my ground that he is MY son and not theirs. It takes time and patience, some arguments too - but you have to stand your ground for your own child!

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