introvert mum VS extrovert Child

Any mummies having such pairing? while I'm an introverted-extrovert - meaning I can hold conversations but prefer to keep quiet, my child is super extroverted and I find it so exhausting to keep talking or even hearing her voice all the time... how do anybody with such pairing manage?

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Try looking at it from a different perspective, on the positive side, your child being extroverted means she would be more outspoken about her feelings, emotions and daily happenings. This would make your mother-daughter relationship more close-knitted instead of your child not wanting to talk to you about anything and being closed up and distant. Of course being introverted it's exhausting to keep up and sometimes, you just desperately need your me-time. If you have any close ones whom you trust and are able to help you babysit, even just for a few hours, could be helpful (& healthy) for you as well. :)

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