Any mummies give this before to your LO?how?TIA

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Yes I give this to my baby since second month. At first it was prescribed by our PD. Later on I realized you can buy this from Watsons bigger outlets. So I will stock up when Watsons have 20% sale. My gal used to be gassy quite often , I think this helps her gasiness and also her bowel movement. But she is 9.5mo now and eating solids three times a day. These few weeks she has very hard stools and this week she has not pooped for three days!! That's the longest so far so I am not sure if the probiotics is losing its effect.

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I'm giving to my baby everyday since she was 3 months old. Bought from guardian. We put 5 drops into a spoon and fed her that. Actually I don't see any diff in her poop at all, just that I think it's good for her digestive system.

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This is recommended and I tried giving it to my LO when he was like 4 months old. But after I started feeding my LO's poo changed Colour to green and it never return to mustard Colour :(

Been giving. I initially purchased thru Watson or guardian pharmacy. I found a direct seller from carousel and has been using it and it’s much more cheaper .

7y ago

Mind sharing the direct seller?

I give this to my baby. 5 drops in the morning. It's good for gut. When my lo have diarrhea I will give 5 drops 2x a day.

9y ago

I feed neat. Drop it on spoon and feed :)

Been giving my girl since 8 months old daily 5 drops and it’s working well for her

Hmmph never seen this brand beforw. Where you purchased this from?

9y ago

I purchased it frm unity pharmacy at waterway point.😉

Where can this be purchased from?