LO sleep through the night?

Hi mummies, does your LO wakes up in the middle of the night? At what age did your LO manage to sleep through the whole night?

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I think depends on what you consider STTN. For young babies 6 hrs is considered STTN, for example. My Little one is fully DL so he did wake quite frequently but around 8 months when we felt more sure he didn’t need the milk we helped him develop more self soothing techniques than just nurse to sleep. He would sleep maybe 8 hrs at a time on a good night. Now he’s 13 months old and can sleep 10-11 hrs at night with one or zero feeds and straight back to the crib. But we choose a more gentle way, letting him be the guide instead of just purely cry it out. It is important to let three develop their own ways to self soothe. He doesn’t use any toy, object, pacifier, pillow or anything. Just himself on a flat bed. So it’s really him learning how, plus it’s safe consider he sleep in his own room on his own at night.

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