Hi mummies do you care more to do research or go online to look for baby things during your pregnancy or does your partner does the same too? All my partner does is watch youtube work eat and sleep. He does not bother to figure out what to buy and always depend on me.

My husband’s not particular about brands and the specifics of the baby stuff, so I’m actually really happy to be the one to research and choose what I like for baby. Haha. But I did ask my husband to watch youtube videos on baby care (since he was on youtube anyway) while I was pregnant. Anyway, it’s always good to have good discussions on how both of you will work together to take care of baby. It’s up to you whether to delegate roles or to do things together. My husband’s the stay at home dad, so he’s really hands on with our kids. And he will tell me if he feels we need to buy something that will help take care of the kids better. Both of us are very different and have our own styles in taking care of the kids.. haha. Sometimes the styles clash, sometimes they’re complementary. But we work through the issues. And yes, he still uses his phone and computer a lot. That DOES NOT change after the baby is born, so if you have any issues with your husband’s use of devices, you need to discuss it now. Also, fathers do need their personal time, and they need affirmation and respect too, just as mothers want appreciation, love, and rest/help during the journey of motherhood. Pregnancy and having a baby is so much more than just about the baby 😅 It changes your entire life, and your marriage too.
Read moreIf you would really like him to be more involved, have a chat with him or involve him when you are doing your online shopping or research. My husband rarely gets involved, he likes me to buy what i like and he thinks i have more understanding in these matters. I'm fine with that and I'm happy to just do my own independent research and buy what i like. 😬
Read moreSame for my case. The husband leave it all to me - end up I have barely buy anything at all 🤣 because there is too many considerations! Dunno which works best. Gets abit frustrating as well, but I resign to the fact my husband is like that. 🤣
I was the one spending day and night doing online research but still end up fickled. LOL. My hubby is more practical; he'll prepare a list in his head and bring me to a one-stop shop e.g Mothercare and hunt all the essentials within a day.
same, i did everything by myself. he gives me the money, does the collection of stuff and the heavy lifting. so i just gave him a simple task, research on which brand is the best for baby bottles, teats and pacifier.
I did most of the research. Then he will help me decide when I'm in dilemma on which brand to choose. If he is involved actively, I guess many things would be categorized as unnecessary for him.. Hahahaha...
Essential and more expensive things like breast pump and baby monitor we will research together. But for clothing/random baby stuff I just show him and he would say OK.. sometime didn't even ask... Haa...
I did all the research on my own as he knows I am more particular about these. He supports all my decision, and then he will decide on the quantity to buy and pay for all the stuffs
I do more researchers than my fiance as he's not rlly good at all these stuffs but when it comes to looking for baby's item he wants to join in and pick out for his baby well!
I do most of the research and buying. He will help me to analyze which is better when I'm indecisive. Happier this way because I can choose the brand I like