Weight concern
Hello mummies, before pregnancy, i lost about 20 to 30kg because I wanted to look good myself, was about 90kg. N first tri i didnt know I am pregnant and was upset i gain weight even though im not eating much but on 2nd tri i gain 15 kg. N constantly hungry. I scared i gain too much and not good. Will you all start to lose weight somehow? I eat in moderation and still gaining alot. I can gain 2 kg within a week! :(

hi there. My story same as u. Ive lost alot of weight before im pregnant and now im slowly gaining back. Im quite sad too seeing my weight after all the workout/diet etc but for now all i think about my baby. Just making sure that he/she grow very well. That's matter the most. U definitely gonna lost weight after u give birth ok. U cn do it ! Just remember not to eat too much fast food and eat moderation. 💪🏼💪🏼😊
Read morecongratulations mummy. Don’t worry about weight. After you give birth you will shed weight also. i lost 9kg 4 weeks postpartum. Now on 6 weeks PP. lost 10kg. Just continue eating healthy foods and try to avoid junk foods.
congratulations mummy! yes you will eventually lose the weight after pregnancy! I gained 20kg and lost 10kg 4 months post partum. now lo 19 months and lost another 5kg. of cos exercising helps faster!
before pregnant I managed to slim down, and now I'm just in first tri, I gaine 6kg already, :( but I tell myself, I'll go back on diet after deliver my baby!
Don't worry! You can lose weight later. Baby's health is more important now.. I attended prenatal class and breastfeeding can help to lose weight 😀
as long as your weight gain is within the healthy weight gain during prenancy, it's fine! can ask Gynea about this.
eat small meal. did gyane say anything