weight gain
i used to be 68-70kg before pregnant and bfr giving birth my weight was 82kg and after i give birth it went to 79kg and when my baby turns 9 months, i’m nearly 90kg and i keep on gaining weight. what should i do to lose all of this weight gain? :(

Breastfeeding! I have not lost all of my baby fats and I’m pregnant again. Now in 1st trimester, losing some weight cause of MS, which I’m pretty happy about but worried of baby’s growth at the same time. I used to weigh 90kg before pregnant and 102kg towards the end. I kept gaining too. I’m a Low supply mom so breastfeeding didn’t help much. Now that I’m pregnant again, I can’t eat rice at all. So my weight dropped. I would suggest you lessen your carb intake or substitute for cauliflower rice instead. Breastfeeding can also help lose some weight. Avoid having heavy meals after 7pm. Cut down on your sugar intake, that means fruits too. Take at least a 30mins - 1hr walk everyday with LO. Bring to the park, playground, walk around the neighbourhood. Opt for stairs up instead of lift up. Can try that viral lemon coffee drink in the morning.
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