about baby cord
Hi mummies.. my baby cord came off just now but still got left over.. is it normal or do i need to go polyclinic?

Normal. As long as there is no fresh blood and no pus. I use cotton buds with lukewarm or room temp water and wipe it off. Or alcohol swabs wrapped in cottonbuds. :)
Normal. Just use alcohol swab in cotton pad/bud to wipe it off after shower and make sure it’s dry before putting on baby’s cloth for 1 month
Normal:) i dip a cotton bud into warm water and clean the area. The scabs will drop off bit by bit
It’s normal. Mine also like that. Just continue to keep it clean and slowly it will clear up.
It’s normal. Keep cleaning the area with cotton bud dipped in alcohol.
Just clean them gently. You can use cotton bud to reach hard areas
It looks normal! Just continue wiping the sides with warm water
It is normal, use alcohol and cotton to clean the area.
Normal. Just use clean cloth and wet it with water
Quite normal but keep it clean and dry...