Don't listen to hearsay. The fact that you have a fibroid may prevent you from having a pregnancy, lead to miscarriages or internal bleeding. Non-surgical ways of treatment: 1. Wait - some fibroids shrink on their own over time so if it is not causing you too much of a trouble, you can wait it out for some time. 2. Oral contraceptives - help to regulate heavy periods which also means it will prevent pregnancy 3. Lupron treatment However some fibroids may interfere with a natural birth if they are along the birth canal so having the fibroid there may cause you to have a c-section if you're giving birth. Some fibroids may also rupture along the way and cause excessive bleeding and pain. Thus may not be able to wait for treatment as you would like. Depending on your severity, if you're doing myomectomy (only removing fibroid) it is usually just a day surgery. The doctor may give you a few days of medical leave but you should still be able to take care of your baby. Preferably someone should be around to assist you. I would suggest to listen to your doctor's recommendation for the course of action. Take care of yourself first before you can take care of baby. As for the side effects of fibroid removal, please check with your doctor as well as all we have is information from word of mouth and the internet.
me myself had gone through one of it. my fibroid was as big as a baby. 25cm. huge! the doc was extremely mad at me because i didnt notice it earlier. i told them its not there until at one time i felt hardening in my tummy. luckily, mine was just above the uterus. my operation was successed and the location was same like ceaserean. 3 months after the operation, i got pregnant and again the doc mad at me because its too soon. and i cant give normal birth. again i cut my tummy for the second time. for your situation,ur wife really need to go for another check up to see wether the fibroid is getting bigger or not and if its really in the uterus or just outside the uterus, just to make sure. and your wife need to watch what she eats. there is some foods that can promote the growth of the fibroid. better avoid.
I had fibroids too when I am preg & gynae advice me not to remove since it is not hindering me trying to conceive ltr. however I personally felt it is a case by case basis as each fibroids location is different hence is difficult to judge base on others experience. There is a coming preg seminar this end Sept on Fibroids topic. maybe you can attend & seek the experts advice b4/during the seminar.
Everthing depend very much on the condition while n after op, if everthing fine, there’s no doubt that you can get back your normal life to get preg n to live this life normally but if it otherwise, it difficult to say anything.. my advice, you would better consult the doc n see how need it is to have op/ to remove it, if you keep waiting n not doing anything, i am scared that the condition turn to be worse..sorry if this make you scare. Thanks
Sorry to hear about this. My cousin went through the same thing. Her doctor detected fibroid when she was pregnant with #1. A few months after baby #1 was born, her Dr removed it. During her #2 pregnancy thankfully she had no fibroid. So yes, after fibroid you can still get pregnant. Both her children one boy and one girl are normal, but we're born through Cesarean. Her Dr is Dr Kee WH of Thomson Medical Centre.
Pls go for review and follow up and if u want seek a second opinion. Best course of action is still to remove it because it can cause much complications like what some of the other pple has commented. However please note that u have to seek real medical advise and not trust all these "hear says" and public or other pple' opinion because they are not doctors and they don't know ur medical profile/history/state
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I strongly recommend you follow doctor's advise. You can consult other doctors also for different opinion. Only medical practitioners know your condition, not public forum members.
I removed a 10cm fibroid & got pregnant 3 years later. Most important is to stay positive & healthy after removal of fibroids.
I suggest you should seek a doctor's advice. I think he would have more experience and be in a better position to advice you.