6 Replies

You can get a full blood check to see if you’re lacking on any vitamins and such. I was feeling severely weak in my 1st trimester, almost bedridden and found out I was low in iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D and found out I have hyperthyroidism too, had to take separate supplements of them and medication for thyroid on top of my prenatal supplement and felt better after I started. Please do get check just in case, for your own and baby’s health.

im like that also, feel weak to even go down buy food but im at my 12th wk now. I did go tcm before i got pregnant and the doc said my body constitution is weak so that could be something to consider. Different ppl have diff symptoms just hope u can bounce back after birth.

Check with your gynae to put your own mind to rest. Your gynae is a professional and will be able to advise if this is normal or not.

Yes, you will feel like you need a nap during the day and sometimes you’ll doze off if you don’t

Just sleep and nap while you still can. You can forget about them once your baby arrives.

perhaps can check with your gynae at the next checkup for peace of mind

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