6 Balas

I take iron and folic acid in the morning when I wake up and calcium tablets before I go to sleep..I always take it on empty stomach thou.. just that do not take iron together with calcium or milk as it will affect the efficacy of the supplement

Thank you for the info..

saya telan semua ubat sebelum tidur..bacaan semua ok kalu sebelum2 ni. org ckp kalubmkn vit.b komplek ada rasa pening2. sbb tu xberani nk makan selain b4 tidur.klu telan semua sebelum tidur dh xkisah pening ke x..kita jus tidur rehat je.

1 hour before meal and 2 hours after meal. tu yg saya baca kat kertas dalam iron tu

VIP Member

sy mkn je terus telan ubat . 😂 kawan pun buat mcm tu . hb bagus je naik

Take before sleep... Or early morning...

sy sllu mkn sebelum masuk tidur

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