My baby is underweight
Hi mommies just wanna ask mcm mana nak naikkan berat badan baby? My baby now 6m+ the weight only 6.4kg, previous month 6.1kg. Tkbnyak naik. So my baby now in the middle of border line to yellow line ? dia fully bf but i want give formula milk too.Just want to know how can i mix the fm with breast milk?

Exactly like my baby! She was 5.4kg when shes 5months old, masuk 6months old 5.6kg only 😅fully breastfeed. But now starting on solids. Shud be ok. As long as baby's active, poo2 and pee2 enough, whatever they weigh doesn't really matter 😊
Bila baby makin aktif, memang berat badan naik sikit2 ja.jangan risau, normal 😀 mcm anak saya juga.y penting nurse kata, naik berat bdannya walaupon sikit. Bagi saya, teruskan saja dengan bf, susu ibu susu terbaik utk bayi😊😊😊
klau nk bg tmbh berat, bole bwak jmpa doktor minta suggestion or can try cari susu utk tmbh berat bdan.. N baby 6 bln dh bole mula mkan.. U worried ank u berat underweight. I pulak ank i 4 month n berat 8kg..
Usually I will mix bf milk together with baby rice/cereal especially during night feeds or the last bottle before tido. Biar kenyang :)
its normal sis jgn risau bby saya pon sama masok 6 mnt + berat naik sikit2 je.. yg pnting bby activ and mnyusu dgn baik ❤
Ohhh, you make me nervous... my baby is 5months old & weighted 5.7kg.. why I am not worry? heheee 😁 #badParenting.
Tu lah kan... as long as baby is healthy. Mak mertua dah suruh start solid food dah! Tapi saja la nak tunggu 6 bulan baru start. Hihihi 😁
Bagi makan nestum sis,campur dgn susu..dah 6month,boleh bagi makan puri buah dah..
Wahai ibu. 6bulan dah boleh bagi makan. Misi tak bagitau ke?
6 bulan baby dah boleh mkn... Maybe dgn bagi makan berat boleh naik
Mungkin boleh tukar susu formula lain...
6months dah boleh start solid food kan mummy.. 😁
Mama bear of 1 troublemaking little heart throb