hello mommies! I bet Moms who already entered week 25 above are already start buying baby cloth kan?? but before we can use it to our baby should we wash 1st or just direct use it? and if we want to wash it should we wash it with or without detergent? what detergent & softener are u moms used?

For me mak ank dua nie hehe mmg i wash before i use the cloth for baby. Detergent momyy boleh beli yg khas for baby.. Wangii je baju..... Mcm sy guna Pureen AbD.. Liquid.. Powder pon ada... Another brand Sleek.. NappiKleen.. Buds.. Basuh kosong without detergent pon can.. Air suam.. Tpi saya suka bsuhkn dgn detergent bju ank2 jd wangi je klo berlipat pn.. 😉😉
Baca lagihi,sy prnh kerja dkt kilang kain for branded clothing, utk buat textile n colouring.. proses utk buat textile dekat mana² pon even brnded like Ad*** n F**a akan cuci mengunakan air parit yg di masak utk buang kuman sahaja,smph besar² dah ditapis mana yg kecil² faham ajelah.🤗
Hai mummy to be. Please wash all ur new baby born clothes. You can use baby detergent like brand anakku or else in the market. Also all the baby bottle n nipple must wash and strille first. This is what i do for my baby.
Yes, need to wash all baby's new clothes before use. Suggest to use detergent which is specifically designed for baby's skin as baby's skin is sensitive. For me, I'm using ABD detergent with softener. I think any brand is okay as long as they're designed for baby's skin.
I wash twice. use top detergent soak all the white baby cloth for 2 days because dh peram lama baju si abang. Then, wash again use baby detergent. Brand new cloth I simply bilas with or w/o any detergent. Depends.
wash. please do. since we dont know where all the clothes have been through during the process. might have tiny particle can make baby skin itchy, sharp tiny little thing that we cant see.
yes, its ok. baby detergent is better.
Sy basuh dulu guna sabun baby jenama fiffy. Bilas 2 ke 3 kali dan last sekali rendam dgn air panas sbb nak matikan kuman. Kesian baby nnt bila pakai baju baru rasa miang2 gatal. 😉
baru beli baju..tak sabar nak basuh. hehe..dah beli pencuci khas utk baby brand pureen 😊 better basuh dulu , sebab tak tahu apa ada kat baju tu
Obviously i washed all my bby cloths/blankets/swaddles before putting on her skin. I washed it all when entered 30 weeks. I used Anakku detergent instead. I loved the smells.
Baca lagii cuci dulu semua baju yang baru beli .. pakai detergent khas untuk bayi .. i guna detergent tu sampai baby usia 3 ke 5 bulan tah, je . pastu i guna sabun cuci biasa n softener hehe