Hi any mommies here have a difficult and challenging time to wean lo? My lo is already 1yo and only at 11mo then start to accept porridge and i notice she really loves egg in her porridge so i cook porridge w egg n spinach. However whenever i try to into new ingredients into her porridge she will reject. It is really getting frustrating to feed her. Also it can take 1hr to on off feed her..sometimes she dont want (i finish up the porridge) sometimes she wants it again (have to go scoop again). I really dont know what she wants..sometimes she refused n i let her taste abit and she wants it again. So sometimes i really almost resort to force feeding. She is obviously hungry but she just wans to be fed on/off!
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have you tried doing baby led weaning? Give her a few chunks of egg for her to hold and eat.
while eating,you feed her the porridge