19 Replies

Yass!!! It is so ugly. I am now pregnant have the dark patch on my armpits, even on my neck. But my sister said it will go away after give birth. :(((

Got to experience that also, after I gave birth it got back to normal, though not in instant.. it’s like 2-3 months after,


This is a normal reaction for many pregnant women. Your armpits will get back to normal Color after you give birth


Ya it's damn ugly. I had it while I was pregnant. Now almost 3 months after birth, it's gotten lighter.

I got it too :( My gynae said I may need surgery cos is like additional milk duct......

Same for my 2 pregnancies. Dont worry about it cause it will fade away eventually.

Hey, This is normal experience during pregnancy and the color will fade eventually

It will eventually go away after you gave birth.

VIP Member

Yes it's normal, will fade after a few months


Mine went back to normal after giving birth

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