Solid food for 6 months baby
Hi mommies.. my daughter just turns 6 months. She just started eating solid food for few days. It is normal for baby if they eat just a little for the first time? After eating a few seconds, she seems not interested.
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Normal, kite bru nk mula intro food to baby. Tpi boleh cuba bnykkn portion slowly dr hari ke hri :)
VIP Member bru nak kenal solid food...
Yes very normal
Normal sis. Mula² bg 3-5 sudu shj, 3x sehari. Repeat 4x menu yg sama utk bby kenal rasa makanan dia. Then can start a new menu.. Now my bby 2y5m..langsung tak memilih makanan. Sayur peria pahit pon dia boleh makan.
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