Milk Booster + Stabilkan hormones
Hi mommies ada tak yang pernah consume brand blackmores ni semasa breastfeeding? I just need a good supplement to boost my milk supply and to stable my hormones. Any other product recommendations? Was thinking between blackmores and MaMom milk booster

Saya makan supplement jnis ni tp tulis lain..jup sy share pic ... since bby lahir until bby dh age 10month.. husben kata good for our health n maintain for our health..for what our body need n also bby need... Selain ni ada pnmbahan supplement..mcm kalsium...dendilion pil for liver..vitamin c... Fish oil ..sbb selain kita mkn supplement utk boost kita kne kerap bf ank..and also pump.when bby not bf... ...need to drink a lot of water and also eating the health food to maintain our milk n boost it by naturally 😉... Sbb dlu ms admit hsptl..pnh dgr nurse n doc kata dkt de sorg patient tu ttg susu..patient trsebut susu dia byk sgt2 tp xde khasiat dlm susu tuk bbynya..nurse n doc pesan....jika nk susu tu ada kualiti tuk bby nye tumbesaran dan tuk bby dpt vitamin spttnye.. diri kita sndri kena jg pemakanan dan prlu amik supplement bg cover mana dh bby amik skit dr bdn kita hasil dr mnyusu dgn kita.. so its good for us to consume the supplement or any vitamin.😉✌
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For me the best milkbooster is your baby. But if you nak try. MaMom ok
yeap I totally agree but I breastfeed and pump at the same time so I need to increase my milk supply. thanks for the comment mommy 😊
Domestic diva of 1 sunny junior