Pengalaman gugur

Hi mommies. Ada sesiapa pernah experience keguguran tak? I dah kawin 4 tahun, tup2 mengandung. Tapi 2 minggu sebelum i buat pregnancy test tu, i kena covid. So agak terkejut bila check dah 6minggu. Time tu happy sangat2 sebab kitorang berdua ada masalah fertility. So unexpected. Unplanned pregnancy. Bila dah positive pregnancy, ya Allah tuhan je tau how happy we are time tu sampai nangis nangis. Terus pergi check dapat tau 6 weeks. Last week suddenly ada spotting. Pergi check, doc cakap kantung ada tapi tak nampak fetus. Sampai sekarang still spotting. Darah coklat gelap nak hitam. Doc cakap darah period yang lama. Tapi doc cakap i kena blighted ovum. So masa kena covid haritu, dna from virus covid tu dah alter the genetic so development fetus tak berjalan lancar. Thats why development stop. Sebelum tau ada problem, kitorang dah bagitau tau awal kt in laws. Diorang excited. Bila kitorang dapat tau akan miscarriage, i terus call my mum and my sister. Nangis2 sebab disappointed. Baby tak develop sebab covid 😢 Sedih teramat sangat, depressed, makan tak selera. Bagitau in laws, expecting moral support. Tapi diorang x cakap apa2. Just cakap ok je. Sedih giler takde moral support. Doc cakap tunggu kantung tu jatuh sendiri naturally sebab pregnancy bawah 12 weeks. Dia akan jatuh macam period. Tapi tak boleh bayangkan bila darah tu keluar l, confirm i akan nangis giler2. Please anyone give me advice and support i memang sedih and down sangat seminggu ni

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6w mmg nampak kantung jee 😪 8w bru nmpk bby. adoi laaa doktor pon. supposed die suggest u tgu repeat scan lagi 2w. virus covid tu x mempengaruhi bby pon sbnr nye. i positive at 5w that time. alhamdulillah now dh 20w. elok je kantung n bby membesar. u total bedrest dlu, jgn bgun selain utk pg toilet. mkn pon suruh husband hantar dlm bilik. sampai darah stop. or else u boleh pegi hospital terus. bwk skli gmbr scan. ckp ade bleeding. nanti doc akan scan dri bwh skli if dri atas x nampak whether kantung u cantik or x. kalau cantik u x perlu risau. bby akan membesar. lgi 2w akan nampak bby + heartbeat. kalau x, u kena terima apa doc ckp. please. dont lose hope. pegi hospital dlu. doa byk2. mintak doa dri parents, husband, in laws. Insyaallah everything will be ok.

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