I personally limit visitors (nb days) to strictly family and 1-2 of my best friends as I know I can be straight forward with my concerns regarding baby. Especially when they haven’t gotten their first vaccinations etc. As I gave birth when Covid was still a big thing, every single visitors had to do ART (I provide) and sanitize before coming close to baby. If baby is asleep, I will just tell them don’t pick baby up (DO NOT DISTURB IN SHORT). While I can’t control what my parents/PILs post on their Socmed, my friends do asked if it’s okay to post baby’s picture. Every other rules from 3-5 is pretty much common sense IMO. But whatever is it, if they really care for baby and respect you, they will adhere to your house rules. Afterall it’s your baby, your house.
I get my guests to wash their hands when they first come, and if they're sick, to be strict about them not coming. Most are quite OK coz they understand tt the baby is very vulnerable to sickness. for the other rules...it'll be hard to implement, especially with family. But if you feel very strongly about them abiding by these rules, then you will need to communicate them clearly to others. if its the in law side, your husband will need to be firm on this too.
I don’t think you need to announce the rules. I simply rejected nicely so only the close family members visited my baby. Even till now where my baby is already 1 year old. I hate cleaning/sanitising my house after having visitors.
Please do so and be stern. But dont be surprised if old people look down on you. Cause old people mindset. Nowdays so many virus and even covid.