Preparing for baby's visits to grandparents' place
My baby is the first grandchild for both sides. So both our parents' houses currently do not have any baby stuff. Not sure how baby is going to rest when visiting. EDIT: Baby won't be staying overnight at either place at all. At most we will sneak out for short 1-hour couple time when baby naps at either parents' house. That's about it. There also isn't any spare bed at either house. Sofas are the old school hard solid Chinese style kind. Not comfy. đ Questions: Will I need to have baby stuff left at BOTH grandparents' houses? Do I need to buy travel playpen or bouncer etc. to bring over when visiting? As in something for baby to lie down in. What are the essentials I will need? How do you guys manage visiting your parents' place with a baby? Thanks! đ #firstbaby