Do you think it is normal to miss period for a month?
Do you think it is normal to miss period for a month?
Voice your Opinion
Yes, it is normal
No, better check with the doctor

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normal sbb period sy mmg x stabil dr anak gadis lg.. dh pergi jmpa dktor dia ckp biasa.. lps kahwin pn pnh je prgi jmpa dktor dia cakap perut ok so biasa saja..mgkin kturunan sbb mak sy pn mcm tu..

masa blom kawen dulu normal sbb saya pernah tak period 4 bulan sikit pun tak bimbang. lepas kawen ni jadi tak normal sbb excited nak bby

I thought it was normal because I was so used to having an abnormal menstrual cycle but there is no problem..

Sy abnormal uterus JD perkara ini normal untuk sy

No.. Better check with doctor

VIP Member

No, better check with doctor

Better check with doctor

VIP Member

Nope better see a doctor

Super Mum

No. If it is, why?

Super Mum

No #TAPSupermoms