Skinny babies
One of my MILs friend visited our house last week to see our baby, I was quite offended when she made a comment that my baby was so "skinny", as a mom it kinda made me think if I'm feeding her well enough. Bub was healthy but a small baby when she was born and every TCU I always check with the doctor if her BMI is normal. She's gaining normally though. Anyone facing the same situation here?

Most people also said my son is skinny and Small size. At first I was quite upset. Was thinking do i feed him enough? But then.. When we go for the vaccination for Lo. His PD does mention he only remained in 25 percentile.. (Used to be 50 percentile). But his development milestone has no problem. So she told us not to worry. She said " you should be worry if his development is not on point. Not his weight. They will gain weight as they grow, or perhaps by then u will ask him to go on diet" Hahaha from there.. We don't really take it too hard If Anyone said he is skinny. But just make sure don't drop to lower percentile hahaha
Read moreWhen my baby was round and meaty, my parents and in-laws keep nagging me to cut down his milk/purée. As my baby grows and becomes more active, they say he’s too skinny and I should feed him more 🙄 Whenever my nephew sits and plays his puzzles/ read books, people will say he’s too inactive/need to socialise. Whenever my son runs around and climbs everywhere, people will say he too wild LOL nowadays I just “yea and walk off” to these nonsensical negative comments
Read moreMy baby was born slightly above the 50th centile, but dropped to and then remained in the 10-25th centile from the 1st month all the way to her 6th month now. But she’s proportionate. She’s very healthy and definitely feeds enough. Trust your own instincts and the doctor’s assessment. Ignore the other voices that aren’t constructive. Everyone always has something to say, but it doesn’t mean they’re right:) By the way, your baby is ADORABLE!
Read moreMe! Mine was worst a close relative! Everytime comment my baby is light. But my baby weight is avg her height is above avg. Just ignore as long as they are healthy and hit every milestone will do.
Don’t bother about them. Sometimes aunties just need to say something lol. A bit annoying but ah well. Don’t let them get to you. As long as baby is healthy, that’s all that matters.
My mil also commented that my baby is skinny and even blame is because I don't want eat a lot of tonic soup during pregnancy..I just ignore her lo as I believe this is due to gens as well
As far as he is healthy n happy .. don’t mind abt the comments .. some ppl r just searching to Criticise in the manner .. just ignore it .. just njoy the beauty of ur creativity
Skinny, fat, tall, short, long as your baby is healthy. Pardon the aunties and old folks...sometimes they meant well but words came out wrong 😁
it's normal for people to criticize about something or someone. I would just ignore them, because you as the mother know your baby much better. Cheer up :)
Just let it be...most of the time it’s just a casual remark and they mean no harm, just like how friends comment on your body size too.
Mom of 1 curious son and 1 cheeky daughter