From: a worried mum, Seeing the view of my 7mths daughter's weight was 5kg. She is at 1 percentile which is low. She is drinking well 150ml 3 hrsly and eating solid bits n bits. The gp doctor advised me to see specialist at kk hospital to review my daughter's weight. The doctor said might be something is wrong with her organs inside which he think it is best to check it out. But I find that it is too young for my baby. Any mummies have the same situation as me as i am getting worried for her weight? As for me, i am a skinny mum eat alot but never grow fat.

Hi, my daughter (32 months now) was 40% at birth and it declined slowly over these 2+ years to 3%. She has several food allergies and we the parents are "skinny" pple. We get feedback from school that she eats very well and eats the most amongst her classmate. Initially, I didn't think it was a problem, I attributed it to her being active and having skinny genes, but we were given a referral to see a dietician at KKH in mid-June, so we just went. The dietician gave us some specific dietary recommendations and to my surprise, with the diet changes, she grew to the 5% during the last review in mid-August. My advice to you - go see the specialist. They would be able to help you.
Read moreHi, I think that it is only responsible advise to say that you should follow the doctor's advise because 1% is really very low. I feel that it is best to see if there are any underlying cause that might be hindering her from growing better. It's not really a fair statement if you want to use her "skinny genetics" to explain about your child's growth as right now the child is not really hitting the marks which are important in the early stages of life. I strongly encourage you to go for the specialist check just to be sure of anything and everything. That way, you won't feel bad about your child's weight/size whenever it is bringing brought up by family/medical staff
Read moreHi mummy, Did ur baby hit every milestone? Like can she sit up w/o assisted? Crawl? Roll over? Did she always been quite cranky? If everything is fine. I dont think its a big issue. But i suggest u to see another PD get second opinion. Because 1% is really low. How much u feed yr daughter a day? For 7 months baby its better that u can feed more than 800ml a day or at least 800ml. 2 times solid (dont need to give so much as they are only supplementary food, BM / formula still the main source) Sometimes baby poop many times in a day also affect their weight gain. Try to give formula milk, for solid food u can try give more avocado
Read more1% is really very low, if even the PD suggests a check, you really should. Hopefully the check reveals everything to be normal, then you will also be reassured. If choy, it discovers something that needs to be treated, at least you can start it early. Hoping for the best results
my daughter was 6.4kg at 7 months (10 percentile), she only drinks like 50-80ml each milk session, and she also have solids, so ur baby' s intake is much more than mine, probably u should listen to your doctor to go to KK for a check
Maybe just genetics. Dont worry. Hear what the doctor has to say. Usually they start by diet advice and check baby developmental milestone. My baby was like below 3 percentile and a premie so been following up at kkh. Doctor is nice.
If doctor is worried, pls listen to his/her advice n see a specialist. No harm doing so. Baby is not TOO young to see a specialist by the way... No use guessing here, best to get it confirmed. U will get peace of mind too
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Hi! Please see the pediatrician. It is always better to be safe than sorry. And in medicine, the earlier a problem is detected(if there is any), the higher the chance for full recovery or treatment.
yes, seek a second opinion. babies come in all shapes and sizes, generally if she's healthy (not falling ill often), bright, and alert (sleeping well), there shouldn't be any cause for concern.