1 year old eating

Hi! My LO just turned one. Im trying to give more variety of food besides just porridge and pasta. So recently i started giving chunky textures in soft rice but she seems to keep taking it out of her mouth. Does this mean she is not ready for chunky textures? Should i just continue with porridge or keep introducing her to chunky textures? Also any meal suggestions/recipes pls do share as well!

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I took awhile too let baby get used to Chucky stuff. maybe you can slowly cook Porridge into less watery kind and slowly let baby get used to it. I share some recipe in my IG @mummyjlife you might be keen to try?

5y ago

thanks, saw your recipes which im alr feeding my LO. porridge and pasta. but im looking for more variety of recipes. thanks for sharing

U might want to expose her to different types of food textures at 1yo . She will eventually get used to it . At the same time , prepare her porridge or pasta when she rejects the new texture of food .

5y ago

haha but im a working mum as well. no time to cook so many things. but thanks for the input!