As a first time Mom , I am inexperienced n made a mistake by giving my LO soft diet from 6 months till lately . He is currently 20 months old. Started with purée then to porridge (not so chunky type) etc. I realised that he hardly Chew his food and has been swallowing his food with minimum chewing . When I realised the problem n wanna give him chunkier food , he gagged so badly that a few times he even vomitted out everything ! Hubby was unhappy about this . I've been trying to progress to rice n soup . Trying n trying . I feel so useless n feel so stressed up. Thinking how to get him to Chew his food . Any suggestions ? Really depressed . Feel so alone in this journey :(

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mummy you are not alone in this! i am facing this problem with my elder. He was always fed with soft food till 2.5years, My mil was the one who insisted in it. Till now. even he is on rice, he takes a much longer time to chew. Don't take it so hard. Go with other food first like fries and all. These food he will chew for sure the toy proceed with rice and soup!

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Dont need to be stress mommy. Its not ur fault. I m also giving my LO soft food now. He is 11mo this month, but I still make his puree like 6 months texture. I never worry or depress haha

Do you order fruits? Does he chew those fruits? Let him try and learn other food outside of meal times. Give him a corn on a cob see if he knows how to bite and chew.

Try to give bb biscuit. Surprising bb very good in biting bb biscuit.. but must supervise in case he push the whole piece into mouth

Slowly thicken the porridge .. dun suddenly increase Too much


Give baby snacks and let them hold and chew they can do it.