My lo is almost 14weeks and the recent weeks she has been napping almost immediately after her feed every 3 hours instead of playing. How much should she be napping now? Should i be concern that she is sleeping too much in the day?
Her current schedule is as below:
At night her last feed is at 945pm, so she will sleep from around 1030pm to 530-630am for her next feed, then sleep again until about 9am. Wake up for bath and her next feed for an hour and her afternoon feeds she usually falls asleep after her feed.
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she always fall asleep after her milk feeds? Does she even stay awake any of the time?
It's ok that they sleep as sleep helps their brain to develop.
But i would keep a close look if baby is constantly sleeping.
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8y ago
She will usually start to fuss in late afternoon/evening to her last feed at 9.30pm. So during that period she will either be awake playing or will sleep but keep waking up to fuss.
Its the morning to mid afternoon part that she keep sleeping, i tried to play with her after her feed she will fuss and goes to sleep once i give her pacifier.