baby 3 month MOTN feed
My LO is going 12W soon and lately she has been waking 3.30am for a feed but she cant go back to sleep easily and will be awake for more than 1hr after her feed. Is this a signal that she has "wakeup" from her sleep? How do we help her transit into sleeping after MOTN feed? Usually in the day, baby will play for 1 hr after feeding then she will be tired and sleep. It seems like she is doing this after her 3.30am feed. Are baby able to differentiate night feed and wake feed? I'm worried my baby doesnt get enough sleep if she keeps doing this. For these days, her naps are around 3-4hours, 3 nap. Night sleep (include 3.30am waking up) 8 + 3. Please advise if anything wrong!