My LO is 5.5 months. Recently, before she enter to sleep mode, she will start her singing tune that goes ah ~~ ah ah ~~ ah ah~~ ah ~ ah ~~ for at least few minutes until she fell asleep. Sounds pleasant, not sure if she is singing or complaining ??♀️ Is your LO like that too? ?

my girl who is only 3.5months now also enter sleep mode while she drink milk and "complain" at the same time. Guess each kid has his/her method of releasing "stress"
That’s cute! My girl recently also makes sounds when she’s sleepy as if trying to put herself to sleep (in addition to us rocking her to sleep)
Where can I purchase washable playmate? Any recommendations?
exactly like my LO, and yes, it looks like complaining 😂
She’s putting herself to sleep. You are so blessed! Haha.
Ohh.. haha. Did that for my first child. It was very hard to wean off the carrying. Till she really got too heavy at 18 months. Then we had to let her cry it out for sleep training. So for my second baby, we’re not rocking her to sleep anymore. If she doesn’t fall asleep while feeding, we pat her to sleep. Took some training but it works now:)
That's so adorable!🤗
So sweet
simply fallen in love with my little one