My LO is 2 weeks old. She has been crying loudly out of a sudden with her eyes closed for a few times a day. This has happen for the past 4 days. Confinement lady say she is dreaming. LO is not crying for milk or diaper change as we always make sure we check her diaper and her signs of hunger. Many times, we feed her 50ml to 60ml per feed. Is this normal?

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Is it only during a specific time like night / midnight? Could it be colic? As that happens to my newborn then and there too. She will cry for about 2 hours quite badly. But once fed ridwind, within 10 mins she stopped crying and go back to sleep. Remember to get ridwind from guardian/Watson to stand by for cases like this and try to monitor if your baby fall asleep after taking it.

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Super Mum

She could be fearful/insecure too. Don’t think it’s nightmares. That’s a piercing scream which ends once you wake baby and comfort her. Do you do direct latching? Cuddling and direct latching helped calm my baby down the most at that stage. You can also try using zip swaddles? They’re more snug and make baby feel more secure

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This is very normal for newborns and ur may even continue for the first two to three months. They are getting used to the environment so it is inevitable they will have outbursts of crying or cry in their sleep. By the way in the day time she naps well and is by over stimulated right? Don't worry I am sure this will pass soon.

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9y ago

she naps very well in the morning and afternoon. almost 2.5hrs to 3hrs after every feed and diaper change. only cry non stop after her evening feed at 10.30pm. she can cry from 10.30pm to 1am. she doesnt want milk nor wet or dirty her diaper. i carry her and she will go into light sleep (eyes open every few minutes) then suddenly burst out crying. this can happen 5 to 7 times during 10.30pm to 1am.

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Yes i would say lo is trying to adapt to the environment. Give lo time, love and lots of hugs and cuddles to assure her as well.

9y ago

thanks! i am hugging her every time she cry during 10.30pm to 1am but her crys seem different. not the usual cry when she is hungry or need diaper change as I have checked the sign of hunger and her diaper every time she cry.


Might be nightmare. Try to let your baby feel secure by swaddling and using a husk pillow put at chest area.

It's normal :) sleep cries! Give her about 10 minutes and she will settle back to sleep. Practice the Pause!

9y ago

yes, she cry non stop for 5 to 7 times during 10.30pm to 1am and i think she tired from all the crying so she fall asleep after 1am, though still light sleep.

It is normal. Ur LO may be frustrated for being awaken.. n is trying to soothe herself back to slp

It's normal , give lo time n try to cuddle her , don't worry this will pass soon

9y ago

thank you for the reassurance. i thought it is colic but my husband say colic is cry non stop almost whole day which my girl doesnt. she only cry non stop during 10.3ppm to 1am for the past 3 nights. she is 2 weeks plus old

VIP Member

Maybe ur LO is feeling hot or cold? Try swaddle and cuddle ur LO