Little one is 2 mths old now. Is it too early to start reading to him? Are there any books recommended for babies? How should I start introducing books to him? Thanks!

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You can actually start any time! Reading is a great habit to cultivate and it is good to start young. Typically, for babies younger than 6 months old, books with high contrast pictures (and with little or no text) are recommended. This is because the baby's vision is still developing, and comprehending words isn't really the main point at this stage. You can also use finger puppets to engage the baby while telling the story. Be animated. Also, it is a good chance for bonding as your baby will find comfort in your voice. Varying your tone will keep him/her interested. For more information, you can refer to this useful article:

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It's good to start young! What I did was, I started with black and white books. Then when my baby turns 6-7 months, I slowly introduced coloured books. I read Goldilocks and the 3 bears again and again since she was 6months. Now that she is turning 11months, she seems to know it well too :p

Never too early. At that age, my child liked Karen Katz’s ‘Baby Loves’ series/ Where is Baby’s Belly Button. She also enjoyed ‘The very hungry caterpillar’, Goodnight Moon, Pat the Bunny, Each Peach Pear Plum, Where is the Green Sheep & 10 little fingers 10 Little Toes.

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I agree with everyone. It is never too late to start. Have a look in to this article for understanding what kind of biks you need for your little one

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It's never too early! At this stage read to him books that are high contrast in colors, start with black and white, then gradually introduce books with cloth materials in it to encourage touch. Let baby hold the book too!

Its never too early to start reading to baby! I read to my LO short fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Also introduced cloth books - baby seems more interested in biting the books though

No it is never too late.I start my older kid very early and till today( 5 years old ) he still insists me to read to him every night. You need to be persistent though

Agree, never too early. Even if baby doesn't understand, the sound of your voice will soothe him or her and it will be a great bonding experience nonetheless :)


At Two months, we listened to nursery rhymes music and I started reading stories when he was about 4–5 months old

My hub started bedtime story even before baby is out. For me, its a lovely way for bonding btw baby and parents.