Hi would like to ask can pregnant mum do facial ?

In general, a basic facial, without the use of harsh chemicals, heat treatments and long-drawn out massages, is quite safe. However, it’s important to know that your skin absorbs all the chemicals that are applied to it; these can enter the bloodstream and ultimately your baby’s bloodstream too. Many salon treatments, to combat rashes or, skin discolorations are chemical based and may contain different combinations of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, etc. Though these may take care of your skin problems, pregnancy facials do have an impact on your baby’s health.
Read moreSure as long as you feel comfortable lying on your back, with pregnant belly, for about 2hrs. Beautician would advice what products or machine that cannot be used during pregnancy. No essential oil used for the shoulder massage.
My gynae advise to check the product they use contain this RETIN-A... I have been skipped my facial in my first trimester. Planning to visit only 2nd trimester due to the symptoms and don't want to announce below 3months.
Yes but you have to inform your beautician about it some of the facial machine not recommended to use on you they will let you know
Yes... just let them know that u are pregnant so that are better prepared on the products and procedures to use.
Best to avoid if possible due to chemicals
Better to avoid