Hi Mummy, some kids tended to learn walking slow.. My girl was born at 38.6 weeks but she didn’t know how to crawl, and even flip.. She only pick up her walking at 14 mths old when all her IFC classmates who are younger already know crawl, walk and run.. Of course we are panic too till now.. She’s now 17 mths, finally can run (but still keeps falling down).. I guess we got to give our kids more time to grow 😊
Hello! My LO born on EDD. However there was a period she walked on tip toes too. Somehow as if she learnt a new trick 😅 she is now 24 months and has stopped doing that, except when she was dancing 🙂
Hi mummy! Thank you for your reply. Did doctors recommended to see therapist or anything? Cause mine did. Im not sure if its rly because of the tiptoe issue or because of being borned premature😕