Do you judge other parents silently? What do you judge them about in particular?

I don't know even when I consider myself to be a different (I know almost each one of us do) from the traditional parents, I still end up judging other parents. I judge how they deal with a particular situation that arises. For example, if their kid throws a glass on the floor and they scold him, I would feel that the way they handled the situation wasn't right. The other day I had gone to my parents' home and my neice was playing with building blocks on the bed and she was throwing them all around the room. Seeing this, my sister-in-law came and screamed at her and packed all the blocks and told her that since you are behaving so badly you are not going to get them today. I was watching all this. I didn't say anything but I felt that the whole thing could have been dealt in some other way too. I guess I become too judgemental when I parenting for me too is a first experience. Well! I know where I am at fault, I analyse it too but can't stop myself from judging. Phew!
Read moreI dun judge other parents but I guess I'm judge by others ... I have 3 kids age 8,6 n 5 .... I'm a housewife so I will sent n fetch them from school n I dun like to dress up cause their school are near by .. normally I will just wear short n t shirt or no sleeve top ... then can see my tattoo. .. so I feel that people so judge me by my tattoo but I dun care as long as I know I'm bringing up my kids well ... I dun own them a living .
Read moreactually yes! even though i pride myself in being a non-judgmental person, when it comes to judging other parents, i realize i do that quite a few times. in most cases i do not bother, but when i see instances where the child is particularly ill-mannered or seems too pampered, i do start thinking about where the parents may have been at fault. i wonder what other parents are thinking about me as a parent though...oops ;)
Read moreLol! I must say, I find myself guilty. I am very thin on patience and whenever I find kids misbehaving or overtly pampered, I cannot stop finding faults in the parents. The only comforting part that I find about myself is I don't get nasty with the kids at fault. ;)
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I think we all do! We are humans, not saints! We judge and get judged. I judge them if they don't teach the kids manners or basic human values.