Hoping for the miracle
I've been missed my period for 4months, having blood spot for 4days including today, abdominal cramp-its abit worse today +backache(but still can endure the pain),dizziness, heartburn n gastric(i've to eat every 2hours?). i'd checked UPT n Scan afew days back,but still no good result. Hopefully will get a great news soon?

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insyaallah...moga ada rezeki ya...bykkn bdoa amin amin...😘
All the best! Hope you will get your miracle soon!
thanks dear😘
semoga Allah mudahkan urusan sis aminnnn
Alhamdulillah, skrg da mgndung twins 25w ☺️
Aamiin. Semoga ada rezeki sis. 🙂
thank you sis😘
aamiin..smga ada rezeki😊
thank you sis😊😘
blood test ada amik?
welcome dear❤
doa baik2 ya
Btul sis, alhamdulillah lps tggu 4tahun lbih Allah beri anak twins, skrg ngndung twins 25w ☺️
twinnies boy