6 Balas

Thyroid does affect ur fertility level. However, because it’s only ur 6th month trying. Maybe u can try the app Flo, key in ur last period and period length and etc. The app will predict ur ovulation days, u can try having coitus a few days before ovulation, as sperm can live up to 3-5days. Stress also play a large role to conceive a baby. If both of you under lots of stress, it could be one of the factor too. Keep trying for now, and don’t stress out about it. If it doesn’t work, u can consult a doctor to check both ur fertility level. Good luck!

Dear, Dont worry much.focus on healing ur body. firstly, remove anything dairy products such as cow milk,cheese n butter and also gmo soy. these dairy products n soy are very estrogenic food.you need to have higher progestrone than estrogen in order for easy conceiving.avoid stress as it will affect your hormones. to avoid stress..do yoga, exercise, meditating, pray n etc. hope this will help you.

i am one of patient of thyroid cancer.. n i consume medicine for all the rest of my life.. n n i just have a baby nov 2018..thyroid may effect ur pregnancy... so that u should monitor ur thyroid level and seek doctor opinion for this

sy pun ada thyroid. hypothyroidism. mommy kena stabilkan darah. kena makan ubat on time dont miss. mcm sy 6 bukan kawen. sekarang baru pregnant bila doc cakap darah stabil dan ada potensi utk pregnant.

Give a try of consuming acid folic at least 3 months before TTC. U may get at guardian around 50cents

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Make sure you're with your husband on your fertile days.

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