Is it true that after opening a tin of formula milk powder, you have to throw any balance after 3 months? THX!

Actually is one month. According to the instruction on the milk tin, we have to use the content within 4 weeks after opening. If, there's any leftover after 4 weeks, I'll consume it myself, as long as it have not harden. and never never give it to the baby.

It's supposed to be thrown within one month of opening. After it is exposed to the air it starts to lose vitamins, which is essential to baby's health. It is not worth the risk to use it.
Most of the time i don't throw it away. how to keep throwing. Milk is so expensive. being realistic and ideal is a difference
It’s one month. Please throw after that. Money over kid’s health and safety is not worth saving.
Try to finish within a month
Should be 1 month not 3
must be within 1mth
Within a month
Within a month to my knowledge
Powdered formula should be used within one month of opening the can or tub.