6 Replies

Yupp it's still possible. My best friend who has a history of being anaemic had nausea all throughout her second trimester and she suspected that it had something to do with that. But it wasn't as delibitating as the first trimester. She just felt like there was something stuck at the back of her throat. Warm water with a squeeze of lemon kept her nausea at bay.

yep, it's possible as pregnancy affects different woman differently. majority of us (including me) suffer from morning sick in the first trismeter and gradually will feel better as we get into the 2nd trismeter. lucky ones won't eveb get one while some get morning sickness once they enter 2nd trismeter. some women, unfortunately get it thorough

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In my case, it mysteriously stopped when I reached my second trimester. Some women experience morning sickness throughout pregnancy. I found that drinking hot tea helped with my nausea and I drank many cups during my first trimester. I drank pregnancy tea which was caffeine free.

What's the brand name of the pregnancy tea and where to get them? Thanks to advise.

Wvedy pregnancy and every body ia different. Some doesn't have any morning sickness while aome have it from start till the end of pregnancy. If unbearable, just inform yr gynae abt it. Have sour plum with u at all times.

Every pregnancy is different for every mother. Some don't even suffer from morning sickness while some suffers throughout.
