2 Balas

just go with the flow. don't let anxiety kawal u. I also hv 2 miscarriage before (1st sbb blighted ovum, 2nd one heartbeat bby stop at 15w). my 3rd pregnancy alhamdulillah went smooth even sy kena covid masa 2nd trimester. me and bby strong go through smpai overdue. doa yg baik2, jika mmg rezeki awk, inshaAllah kndungan tetap survive.

Thank you sangat sangat for the kind words and semangat. Betul, agree with you. Most importantly is to berserah sebab ini semua di luar bidang kuasa kita.

jgn risau sampai ganggu emosi. nanti takut kita stress, baby pun stress. enjoy je. ada rezeki, InshaAllah baby akan okay. Sy pun Kali ke 3 pregnant baru jadi.

Baik. Thank you for your kind words. Saya try to enjoy. But nak enjoy pun tak boleh, deep down still ada the anxiousness. Doakan dipermudahkan sahaja Amin 🤲🏻

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