872 responses
Yes i allow my parents or in laws to discipline my kids. I’ve seen this first hand from my sister’s experience. She and her husband dont allow anyone else to discipline their kids except them. And the kids grew up not respecting the elders.
I’ll never let them do the disciplining. It’s parent’s responsibility to discipline on our own. Their role is more of “weekend I play with you role”. That’s the max. Best to avoid such conflicts
i will not against directly in front of them, but after that, i will make anything clear with my kids that the final decision is on me and their dad
Yes, but shld be within the rules/guidelines as discussed or established so its a ‘same set of consistent’ parameters.
sometimes, but there are some rules that i won’t let slide. mostly okay
I hope they can contribute to something that can maybe I tend to forget
I am ok as my mother help me take care as the main caretaker.
Depends on what they are trying to discipline the child for
To a certain extent...ultimately I make the final decision
no.... i wouldn't even let my own parents discipline them