im a young mom at the age of 22years old but i look 16. n every time i bring my baby out with me, i get a lot of stares from people. it really hurts in a way ppl r still so judgemental... there was one lady who asked how old was i n i replied 22 she told me i was so young too young in fact. n another mom overheard n told her 21yo daughter "better study hard if not you end up like her." & fyi i WANTED to be a young mom, i didnt want to have a big generation gap with my kids yknow. i hate how ppl r saying the only reason i got married n have a kid now is bc shotgun or unplanned but in fact it isnt!! my husband n i actually alr planned to rom bc we applied bto tgt n have been tgt since we were 14yos! sigh i feel so judged every time i go out... sometimes i wish i look more "chao lao" (old looking)

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Just ignore them. Everyone have their own timeline. U r not doing anything wrong so I feel the mother is rude! She has no right to judge u. So just ignore them and enjoy your life.

I know my hubby since 13 yrs old. we lost contact, only bump to each other 21 yrs later. par tok 5 years than married. by the time I have my 2 kids I am already going 40.

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Ignore the negativities! Live the life you want, you can never fulfil everyone’s expectations. As long as you’re happy, why care about others words or thoughts?

Ignore them! I am a 21 year old single mum! Let them say whatever they want to say. You do you. Afterall, you are the one living the life. You go girl 🙌

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Motherhood is a blessing, ignore negative comment and fill your heart with your babies

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Motherhood is a blessing. Ignore the passby as your heart is full with your babies!

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Be happy and proud. You can enjoy your baby while young. It’s the best thing

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Simply ignore these people... it's your life and you live it the way you want!

You dont hv to answer their qn, if i were you, i will simply walk away

Don’t feel like that!! They are narrow minded. You do you!!